Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why Blog?

I'm sure that people write blogs for many reasons, which I won't even begin to try to delineate. What I know is that I write because I have a few things to say. I'm not certain what they all will be, but if you bear with me (or even if you don't), all will be clear, eventually.

I really enjoy writing. As a Technical Writer, my aim has always been to make my documentation and on-line educational efforts as clear, easy-to-follow and instructive as possible. I believe I have been successful in this, and I am looking forward to continue this pursuit as long as I am able.

But a blog, after all, is not technical documentation. Although it may be instructive, I think it should be entertaining as well, if not in totality. Opinions (I think) are expected and saying what you feel and what you like or dislike is de rigeur for blogging.

Likes and Loves

  • I like good food, well prepared and well served. I also enjoy cooking, and I plan to post some of my favorite recipes on a parallel blog in the near future.
  • I like to watch too much television, I'm afraid.
  • I love music; most kinds of music (see below): Classical, folk, rock, Motown, new age, metal, et al.
  • I love to read. Although I have traditionally read Science Fiction, General Fiction and Fantasy, I also love history; historical novels, in particular.
  • I have recently developed a taste for "classic" literature, and you will be hearing more about this in the future.
  • I love to travel, but have done far too little of it.
  • I love to sing and to perform on stage (community theater)
  • I love learning things—all sorts of things, useful or not. More on that later, as well.
  • I love trivia.

Dislikes and (Dare I Say It?) Hates

  • I dislike "easy listening" (elevator) and rap music. The former I consider pablum and the latter quite unmusical, for the most part.
  • I dislike the way many people I encounter seem to be enthralled by their handheld devices to the extent of completely tuning out the world around them.
  • I hate the way many ads (on TV) nowadays seem to have absolutely nothing to do with the product that they are supposed to be advertising.
  • I hate the fact that, no matter how advanced we are technologically, our basic animal tendencies almost always overcome our better natures. Much more on this, I think at a later time.


I am certain I have left out many things on both sides of this equation, and I'm sure many of you, my readers (whoever you may be) will feel differently about many—if not all—of the things I have listed. You are welcome let me know your feelings. I hope you will have interest enough and take the time to do so. Life in front of a computer screen can be a very lonely and disassociating thing, you may know.

Thanks for reading!

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